Welcome to our USDA hardiness Zone 5b garden here in Ohio, USA. As you can see, there are lots of flowers blooming in the garden:
Dinner plate Dahlia "Islander"
This perennial Blue Hardy Ageratum has been on my mind for 10 years. I looked for it everywhere in nurseries because I saw it in a garden blooming late October and I said to myself: I have to have it! I was so excited that a nursery saleswomen brought it to me from her own garden...but it died the first winter in my garden. This past spring I found seeds online and I started it indoors. Every single seedling made it to a mature plant that bloomed and bloomed with beautiful light blue clusters! The one problem I see with this plant is that the slugs love its foliage and this year we had lots and lots of slugs.
2015 up-date on Blue Hardy Ageratum: Since this is a very popular post and people keep comming back to it and read it, I need to inform you that this plant was very invasive and this spring I had to pull it out of my moist humus raised day lilies bed. In only two seasons it quadrupled in spread and invaded even the roots and clumps of nearby plants. It is a very SCARY INVASIVE pretty blue end of summer plant if given good soil! I will give it a last chance in a dry more shady bed by the Shed. Don't say that I didn't worn you!
2016 up-date on Blue Hardy Ageratum: Even though I pulled this plant at the end of the 2015 season in the spring the bed was filled with it again and it was a marvel in bloom. I will again try to get rid of it but if some returns from forgotten roots it will make for a nice October display.

Hardy Ageratum (Eupatorium coelestinum)
Spider flower (Cleome) - reseeds itself every year
Chrysantemum "Harmony" (Dendranthema)
Rosa "Sunny Knock Out®" - such easy to grow and a very long repeat bloomer
Two varieties of Dead Nettle that thrive in this garden : Lamium maculatum "Purple Dragon" and "Aureum"
Sedum "Angelina" front with Sedum sieboldii (in bloom) tucked under Corydalis Lutea - another great bloomer in this part shade garden
Knotweed or Persicaria virginiana "Painter's Pallette" with the very "dangerous" but pretty red seeds
Bloomerang Purple Reblooming Lilac
Red Zonal Geranium (annual in a pot)
Toad lily or Tricyrtis Hirta "Myiazaki" - Isn't this a beauty?
Hydrangea Forever & Ever®
This Japanese Candelabra Primrose is a little confused! It thinks that is May!
Japanese Anemone or Anemone hybrida "Party Dress"
Japanese Anemone or Anemone tomentosa "Robustissima"
Pink Spider Flower or Cleome
Aster novi-belgii "Bonningdale White"
Masterworth or Astrantia reblooming in the fall
Achillea "Paprika" |
Coreopsis |
Nasturtium "Alaska mix"
Verbena - blooming Summer to Fall
There are interesting foliage plants alive and vibrant in the garden:
Trailing Coleus
Siberian Bugloss or Brunnera "Jack Frost"
Solomon's Seal or Polygonatum striatum
First year for Hardy cyclamen - unfortunately no flowers this year
Autumn Fern or Dryopteris Brilliance with Japanese Primroses foliage
Two sedums in love! Angelina with Blue Carpet (Sedum hispanicum minus "Purple Form")
Ajuga Reptans "Burgundy Glow"
The foliage of Epimedium grandiflorum Lilafee turns color to shades of brown and red in late fall
Coleus "Mississippi Summer"
Virginia creeper |
Yucca with Acer palmatum var. dissectum "Inaba shidare" and a dwarf topiary juniper
There are the berries, cool seeds and exotic fruits in the garden:
Beautyberry shrub or Callicarpa Dichotoma
Burning Bush with berries or Euonymus alatus
Meyer Lemon tree in pot
There are the fall views to take in:
And there is Halloween around the corner:
Check out other October gardens at Carol’s main Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day post at May Dreams Gardens. Thanks so much for visiting today!